

A foundational change in biological and ecosystem ocean observation

The BioEcoOcean project is developing a Blueprint for Integrated Ocean Science to enable foundational change in how we approach biological and ecosystem ocean observation to enhance scientific understanding, improve management, and ensure sustainable use and development of the ocean.


The current biological and ecosystem global observing system is not sufficiently coordinated on a global level leading to knowledge gaps. To ensure sustainable use, development and management of biodiversity and healthy oceans under climate change, it is crucial to enhance the biological and ecosystem (BioEco) ocean observing capacity for advancing scientific understanding of oceans. 


BioEcoOcean was funded by the European Union under grant agreement No. 101136748 with 5.7 million EUR to address this challenge. Over the course of 4 years, from February 2024 to January 2027, a consortium of 9 European partners aims to create, and demonstrate the value of, a globally applicable Blueprint for Integrated Ocean Science (BIOS).


BIOS is envisioned to be a question-based, supporting tool to guide ocean observing programs in all aspects of ocean observation from the early planning stages to data collection, management, data synthesis and model product development, to their application in policy and decision making.  This innovative product promotes holistic thinking, facilitates communication, and strengthens collaboration and co-design around the ocean observing value chain. 


BioEcoOcean uses state-of-the-art research on the Biology and Ecosystems Essential Ocean Variables (EOVs) to increase our readiness to advance data collection, monitoring, data management and forecasting capacity on local, European and global scales. 

Co-creation with local and global stakeholders

BioEcoOcean places co-creation at the centre of its approach. This means that we plan to advance biological and ecosystem ocean observations through creative problem-solving which engages diverse stakeholders at all project stages, from local to regional and global levels. By involving stakeholders such as policymakers, industry, civil society, and the scientific community in the co-creative process, we will ensure that our project outcomes are co-designed and co-produced with those who will ultimately benefit from them.


The project will also prioritise capacity building and collaboration with global ocean observation initiatives, e.g. the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) and the Marine Biodiversity Observing Network (MBON), to ensure wide discussion and adoption of its co-produced standards. 


Key expected results


  • Blueprint for Integrated Ocean Science (BIOS) to support a holistic and integrated approach in ocean observations by bringing together international organizations and stakeholders of ocean observations
  • Advanced Biology & Ecosystems Essential Ocean Variable Specification Sheets to support global assessments and foster the development of ocean climate monitoring and reporting
  • Pilot demonstrations and roadmaps towards new data and data synthesis products for Biology & Ecosystems EOVs to enhance the value of in situ and remote sensing observing capacity in the coastal and open ocean
  • Strengthened forecasting tools for pelagic ecosystems (e.g. plankton, sea turtles, fish) to better understand the effect of functional biodiversity in energy flow and carbon fluxes under different environmental conditions.
  • Harmonized sampling methodologies, data schemas and best practices for biological and ecosystem ocean observation and data management to enhance comparability of observations
  • Proposed new observing approaches and early-warning indicators to enhance our capacity to monitor response to component events and tipping points


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Work Packages

Work package WP1 – Project management and coordination

Work package WP2 – Blueprint for Integrated Ocean Science (BIOS) development

Work package WP3 – Filling the knowledge gaps for observing BioEco services - research on EOVs

Work package WP4 – Blueprint Application & Testing: Demonstrating an operational workflow for BioEco EOV development

Work package WP5 – Capacity development for integrated ocean observation

Work package WP6 – Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation

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Project Coordinator


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