Photo credit: Changes in Ocean Productivity - NASA Earth Observatory
Photo credit: Changes in Ocean Productivity - NASA Earth Observatory
The Marine Organic Carbon Atlas Living Lab will contribute to the following project objectives:
In the MOCA Living Lab we will undertake significant local and regional data rescue efforts related to several EOVs, initiate a new organic carbon data product based on decades-long pelagic and benthic ecosystem monitoring in the Arctic..
The MOCA Living Lab will conduct data rescue efforts to unlock unprecedented amounts of historical data collected in the Arctic using standardised (Darwin Core) metadata and data records. The demo product for the Arctic will be co-created with international modelling communities to ensure direct applicability for biogeochemical and ecosystem models. MOCA will deliver a roadmap towards a novel data product building on the state-of-the-art biological and biogeochemical data, and publish pilot datasets from the Arctic region. Development of the Arctic pilot of MOCA, including its visual formats, will be consulted with specific needs of local (Svalbard, Greenland) authorities and other stakeholders with specific interest in blue carbon and biodiversity monitoring and resource management.
(Click on the EOV name to access the corresponding GOOS EOV Specification Sheet if available)
Photo: NASA Earth Observatory Changes in Ocean Production. Source: Defense Visual Information Distribution Service