
The BioEcoOcean Consortium Biannual Meeting held in November 2024

The BioEcoOcean Consortium held its biannual meeting online on November 18-19, 2024. Among the representatives of all partner institutions, there were several new young researchers who joined the team over the past couple of months. We were also thrilled to have representatives of the European Commission and the European Research Executive Agency attend the event.


The two-day meeting began with an overview of the project, outlining achievements to date and prospective activities presented by the project leader. This was followed by a comprehensive presentation on the strategy and current activities related to communication, dissemination, and exploitation led by the Work Package 6 group. The Data Management Plan was also presented and discussed in the subsequent session.


The rest of the meeting was largely dedicated to a workshop on the Blueprint for Integrated Ocean Science (BIOS) development. Using the interactive Miro platform all participants could be actively involved in the online discussion, adding their opinions and voting for proposed solutions through dedicated virtual boards. The Miro boards were also utilised for further discussion on living labs activities the results of which will help shape the Blueprint. Discussions on the guide to Biology and Ecosystems Essential Ocean Variables and sessions related to data handling and data product developments complemented the rich and exciting agenda of this meeting.


The next BioEcoOcean Consortium meeting is scheduled for March 2025 and will be hosted by IO PAN in Sopot, Poland. The meeting is being organized jointly with our sister project, ObsSea4Clim, to foster effective collaboration between these two EU funded projects.

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